Friday, July 15, 2011

Brain - The Shiny Armor!

     I was always fascinated with a certain invisible connection that most certainly exists between our hearts and brains.

     When you’re young the bigger part of your brain is on hold, it's overwhelmed by hormons; you fall in love easily, make stupid decisions, wear ridiculous outfits – just because you love it and your heart tells you so.
Then, in one split second, as you get older, the inevitable happens. Your brain wakes up and completely takes over your body. You start to think before you do which, then again leads to awful mistakes plus feeling empty for stopping doing ‘things that you love’. Is brain the right choice then? Is that what life's all about?

     But, why is it so? Why does the brain suddenly kick-start and interferes with our decision-making?
Many people think that it’s a normal process, a part of growing up. 'One cannot base his or her life on following their ‘gut’, their intuition only'. I don’tbelieve that there’s a gene or anything similar that makes us predestined to become ‘mature’. I think that the defining point in everyone’s life is the moment you get hurt. Really hurt. Does pain make us pick the brain over heart? How weird is that?

     Is our brain really just a shiny armor we place over our heart after a painful event? It seems so. The problem is, once it’s there it’s really hard to take it off again.

     This is how I see growing-up.

     Hence, a perfect relationship is defined as two people willingly and in-sync trying their best to remove this shield and (I know it’s a cliché), once again listen to their heart. Is ultimately love a thing of the heart? Or have we come to love our shield so much that it became impossible to remove it?

     Or does it just take a knight without a shiny armor? Someone without the shield? Do we need the other person to love us more just so we could be free of the heavy metal?

An attempt

A soul bursting at the seams Ideas about the future, and what it brings Stuck in the unknown, tied by ties Creeping inside ou...